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How To Properly Break Up A Dog Fight?

When dogs fight and bite, they usually just fight and play with each other, but sometimes the fight will get out of control
1. Get used to your dog's fighting behavior
 2. Observe the dog's body
 3. See if both dogs are equally interested
 4. Stop it if you think it's too much
How to stop dogs from FIghting.
1. Water them with water pipes.
 2. Scare them out loud
 3. Separate them from obstacles
 4. Cover the dog with a blanket
 5. Find someone to help you stop them
5 better ways to properly break up a dog fight
If you're wearing thick pants and shoes, use your legs to separate the dogs. Then you and your partner should stand between the two dogs to prevent them from contact again
How to Break Up A Dog Fight
1. Do not encourage competition.
 2. Teach your dog to play politely
 3. Teach your dog to arrive on time when called
Dog Fight Prevention
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