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34 Best Christmas gifts for kids 2023 | unique and useful gift ideas for children

34 Best Christmas gifts for kids 2023 – Cool Gift Ideas for Children. Unique and Useful Gift Guide for 6 to 9-year-old boys and girls.
Welcome to an insightful journey through the '34 Christmas gifts for kids – unique and useful gift ideas for children,' written by Muhiuddin Alam on the reviews site, TheBestNTop.com.

Over the years as a leading Authority, I made countless articles many of which can be found on this site.

I have received many requests to recommend some Christmas gifts for kids. In response, I'm pleased to offer my expert recommendations in this article.

so I hope that you are still shopping for Christmas presents maybe you've not started yet maybe you've got a few more bits to go but some of the items in this gift guide will be helpful. 

I would say a lot of these unique and useful Christmas gifts are 6 to 9-year-old orientated although that really doesn't matter boys and girls can play with whatever they want to obviously when you look at them you would say some of them are more boyish toys but a lot of them are very much unique and useful multi multi-purpose toys.


Unique and Useful Christmas Gift Guide for Kids 2023

1. Pill O Pad

this first one I'm going to show you could actually be for anybody um first of all this is a pillow pad which I thought was really cool. I think the boys would absolutely love this year so this is something that you can prop your iPad on I believe it also has little handles on the side and it's two-sided so you can either have your iPad kind of up in portrait or landscape depending on what way you want to watch it. 

maybe if you're watching a movie you could have it landscape or if you're not that kids would probably be doing this but if you wanted to get it for yourself and you're following a recipe like this lady on the front then you could have it portrait it's just been really cool to just have it so you don't have to hold it and you can kind of relax and watch it in front of you whilst you're laying down or sitting on the sofa um the little pocket on the side is actually meant for remote control as well which is quite cute. 

2. Magic Pad 

next up when I spotted this I knew it would be perfect for my baby and that is the magic pad this is basically a drawing pad that you can draw on with different pens that come with it um and they light up and then it's white clean so you can reuse it and reuse it and reuse it. 

I just think you'll absolutely love this so it's for ages three-plus um but I think it could work for so many different age groups it can make neon signs I mean it's just endless and he's always after my iPad to use Procreate on it so I thought he might think that this is a bit like that without him going near it.

3. Mood Magic

and then I thought this was a great idea as a joint present for the kids but it would also be really really good for the whole family as well it just looks so much fun and that's these mood magic color-changing LED lights so it comes with four lights and the remote control which is great for kids because it's just the colors so they know just by looking at them what color the lights are going to turn. 

I think you can make them all different colors so you could have your own little disco going on on Christmas day but you could use them all around the house if you're an adult and you wanted them you could have them in the living room and they're dimmable so you could have like a nice ambiance in the evenings or you could have them in your kid's rooms and they can control the lights. 

I think I might need to buy another pack of these because they're going gonna argue over them aren't I didn't think that they're probably gonna want them in their bedrooms but I just thought they'd look really cool to light up the living room when we put music on and they can have a bit of dance so they look so much fun so everything.

4. Little Live Pets Gotta Go Flamingo

so one of the presents that as soon as I saw it I actually saw it on the tv on this morning and when I saw it I was like I have to get that for him as one of his main presents so this is the little live pets gotta go flamingo I mean it's just so cute first of all um the flamingo is called sherbert and basically you feed him with. 

I think it's like a sand kind of consistency and then you have water in the toilet down here and then you've guessed it she or he poops it out and it looks like poo because it sounds like kinetic sand so it kind of bunches together in the water and then I guess you can do it over and over again feed me I do a magic poop I repeat what you say so it talks as well it's interactive. 

I can see the sandy kind of stuff in there as well I mean it's kind of gross but when you live with well three boys but a three and a six-year-old and a 31-year-old you kind of get used to the poop humor um and it just becomes like part of second nature so yeah I'm quite excited to see what they've gotta go flamingo does. 

I'll quickly recommend a few books now I don't know if this is bad to admit but I will admit it because it's true my boys when they unwrap a book it's a bit like thanks and then it goes to the side and then they'll look for another present because I think on first look books maybe aren't that exciting but once the excitement of the day is over books are the best thing because you can just read them over and over again they become their favorites. 

5. Oi Puppies

so I picked up this one which is oil puppies just because my baby loves dogs basically and I'm sure he will really really like this it's really beautifully illustrated just his kind of thing I've got that in Sainsbury's this one's actually art cheese it's just in the pile but it doesn't really matter. 

6. The Dinosaur that Pooped Christmas!

This is um tom fletcher and Dougie Poynter's book the dinosaur that pooped Christmas we've never had any of these before I know they've got a lot of them there's the Christmas Saurus and all sorts um it looks brilliant so I'm actually really excited I might give this to him. 

I'm thinking about it now in the next few weeks because it's about Christmas so that might actually get left out and we'll have that as a treat that maybe the elf could bring or something so they'll both like it and it'll be nicer to read that to the first of all whilst they're still getting excited about Christmas I think. 

7. The Grinny Granny Donkey

and then we got the Grinny Granny Donkey so if you've not heard of the wonky donkey book says the wonky donkey and the dinky donkey which we have both of my baby great man got because she just found them. 

so hilarious they're really funny books they're lovely and they have released the Granny one so we've got this I know he'll love it so he always asks for the wonky donkey to be read to him.

8. Dog Grooming Set


and then as I said he loves animals and looking after animals and things so on Amazon I spotted this that says pet care backpack basically, I haven't opened it but it looks like a little portable dog grooming-like station I don't know how well that's going to show up in the camera but it's got a puppy. 

I don't know does it come with the puppy I didn't check that I'll check that in a minute and it's got like a hairdryer and a brush and a sink and food and shampoos and stuff um oh yeah it does come with the puppy so it's very small and compact but he just will love that do I say that for everything I'm going to try and stop saying next it's a bit of a given isn't it. I hope they will love everything.

9. Doctors Set

this one is quite a similar one um it's the doctor's medical box now he does actually have quite a few bits and bobs around the house of stethoscopes and all of that kind of thing I just thought this one was nice because I can keep it all in one place because it all ends up everywhere there are loads of bits in it. 

you can get pink or blue sorry that's a little bit like ginger stereotypical isn't I did get them a blue one um but there are tablets in it teeth so you can be a dentist as well stethoscopes injections everything um is there even a little doctor's set in it like an outfit it says it is there is I mean I haven't got it out yet should I get it out. 

it does come with the doctor's kit I don't think this was very expensive so I think it's actually quite a good value again the box is pretty small for everything that comes with it but wow it is packed absolutely packed and like the t I was a bit worried that the teeth in the tablets were going to be really small but they're actually massive.

10. I Want to Be A Crazy Creature

I also have another book for him which is called crazy creatures I just loved it I love displaying really gorgeous kids' books on his shelves um and I just thought it looked really nice. 

I think I picked it up from um Home Sense a while back so it was 3 49 I'm sure they'll have it on Amazon if you can't find it there.

11. Air Dry Clay

then I got him an air-dry clay modeling kit both of the boys will love this actually they love modeling clay that you know either air-dry or that you can cook in or bake in the oven and this one shows you how to make different animals. 

it's for three-plus again there are 36 colors in there I got them a set like this last Christmas which you'll see in one of my previous articles, I actually got it for Archie um and they've used it all year so it's been a brilliant present.

12. Playdoh Ice Cream Maker

and then also a little play-doh kit I think one of these nans is getting him some more play-doh because he adores play-doh but I just saw this one and picked it up because um it's got six little play-dohs in it and then all of the letters all of the alphabets. 

so I thought as he's going into next year will be the year he starts school, not till September but it'll be that year so we're just trying to get him used to like letters and like writing my baby and stuff like that so I just thought that would be a really nice one he'll really like it.

13. Bakugan Starter Pack 3-Pack

I'm sorry if you can hear the rain pelting down and what road drill thingies they called I don't know what they're called it seems to go a little bit to the ground it's really annoying I'm so sorry okay a few more bits so we got both of the boys um some bocker guns this is more of a thing that arches into being six. 

but where he's got a little brother where my baby got an elder brother should I say he likes them too so there are a few things he plays with that are probably older than his age but I find that that does tend to happen when you've got an older sibling and a younger sibling so he will be really upset if he was left out of the book of god situation so this is a three-pack of Bocker guns.

14. What a performance!

and then this is a completely different thing altogether I thought this was lovely it was it's an orchard toys game and it's called What Performance there are over 300 hilarious challenges and I think they go around the board you spin something and you have to either act say or do so on the back like some examples are pretend to fly and land a plane tell a silly joke yawn until you make another player young too. 

and I just thought it was a really nice interactive game it gets them using their imaginations and they are like performing skills so that would be really fun I will enjoy playing that do you ever buy a present for your presents for your kids because you think you'll enjoy them too let me know in the comments below because I do I can't lie. 

15. Play-Doh Kitchen Creations

also, we got him a Play-Doh kitchen he'll just love making all the different ice creams this is pretty much an ice cream-making kitchen don't think this kitchen makes anything else. 

but how many packs of Play-Doh coming in about eight and then all the ice cream sundae stuff so again it's just Play-Doh that he will be obsessed with.

16. Harry Potter Quidditch Lego

we do have to do that sometimes so they don't argue um and then we got him some Lego so this Lego set is the Harry Potter Quidditch he's really getting into Harry Potter now and we just thought this was so lovely because you can build like the different houses I don't know what they're called where they stand that they sit-in. 

but it's got like Harry Potter and they have like a quidditch match and all of the things um and the golden is it the golden snitch I'm learning as I go along but that's just absolutely gorgeous it's for ages seven to fourteen so he's a little bit young but he will be fine building that especially if one of us helps him.

17. Minecrafters Unite Tin of Books

then we got him some Minecraft bits he loves Minecraft so we got him a Minecraft Unit like annual I think this was in the pan shop for a pound so that was a really good little bargain. 

18. Minecraft: Into the Game

and then I also found when I got that um red book for my baby I also found in Homesense Minecraft into the game and more stories so there are four stories in there I think they're stories instead of just facts about the game and stuff. 

obviously they're quite advanced for him at the moment being only six but I thought I could read them to him at night and then he could read little bits and as he gets older he can read them himself. 

19. Amazing magic tricks for kids

then we got him a magic set we picked this up in BM he loved watching Britain's Got Talent this year for the first time I think, and he loved all the kid magicians on there so I think he will really like this magic set we have bought him one month in the past. 

I think he was just a bit too young but this one's really nice it's a six-plus so perfect for his age and it's got instructional videos online and there are all different tricks that you can learn so he'll feel like performing 200 magic tricks and illusions so he'll feel really cool learning those and showing them to us a couple more books I do love getting.

20. Harry Potter Book and the Philosopher's Stone

the books for Christmas as I said I'm trying to get him into reading books that are a bit more you know actual stories are interesting instead of like The Dog Went to the Park you know it's just a bit boring but obviously, I know they need to do it to learn to read. 

but I got him his first Harry Potter so he's seen a lot of the movies but we've never read them and I'd love to start reading to hit reading them to him at night until he can do it himself. 

so I got Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and I just really loved the sort of animated um cover of this one so I thought I'd give it a go and see how we go with that one. 

21. Walt Disney's 101 Dalmatians Little Golden Board Book


and then the other day he was looking at his other um he's got lots of these Treasure Cove storybooks they're basically all Disney books and things like that they do hundreds of them and he just randomly said I really want 101 Dalmatians, Mommy. 

and then I saw it in Sainsbury's the next day so I got it it was just a couple of pounds and they're really lovely books they're kind of like condensed versions of fairy tales marvel all different things so he's got that one to add to the collection.

22. Jelly T-Shirt


I got him some jelly merch jelly if you don't know, is a gamer on YouTube and Archie likes to watch him play Minecraft and things like that so I got him a jelly hoodie I can't believe I'm at this stage already where I'm buying YouTuber merch jelly hoodie and oh there's hair on that and a jelly hat.

23. Marvel Avengers car


then we got him Avengers Marvel Avengers Car Lego obviously um six-plus so again really good for his age I love that he's six because so many things are like three-plus and six-plus I'm like perfect it's a car I think it's Captain America that drives it and there's a baddie called outrider.

24. Chess Set

also, we got him a chessboard because he's been playing it on TV there's a thing on there where you can play it virtually but he was really getting into it and asking how you play it and what the pieces do so we thought we would just get him a little chess ball because it's fun but anyway. 

25. Bakugan Nintendo Switch Game

we got him a Bakugan Nintendo Switch game because he's very into guns and Nintendo Switch so it seems like the perfect combo and then he's been asking for this I'm not exactly sure what it is what the difference is. 

26. Monopoly For Sore Losers

it's a monopoly for sore losers don't get sad get even um if it pays to lose when you do annoying things such as pay rent or taxes or go to job collectors or lose a coin um we're gonna have to learn how to play this. 

but he thinks it's pretty cool when he's told me all about it I love Monopoly I can even get my baby to play Monopoly for a full hour which I'm quite proud of at three years old.

27. Bakugan Battle Arena

this is kind of not for Archie but again for both of them to play together because it's a buck off the gone battle arena so they can put all their guns in this however you play it and then it's like the proper arenas of playing it on the floor so I really like that as well. 

28. Rubik's cube


then I also got him another classic which I thought he would like the Rubik's cube of course I think it's like is it like their 60th birthday or something this year it's a special anniversary for the Rubik's cube anyway. 

this isn't a classic one it's different colors but it does the same thing and maybe when he's a bit older although it does say six-plus if you can learn how to actually do it fast because there are tutorials you can follow on YouTube so that's pretty cool I've never been able to do it. 

29. Top Trump 

and then we got him this marvel I thought this was top Trump's because it is top charms but it's top Trump's quiz so actually, I don't know how well he'll be able to do this and it says 12 plus was a bit like oops. 

but it's quiz questions about Marvel so again this is a tweet that over the years will kind of grow with him and I'm sure if he doesn't love it this Christmas as the years months and years go on he will learn how to play that.

30. Goo Hit Zu

and also a Goo Hit Zu they love these things they're horrible you pull them you squish them their all have different squishinesses some are really squishy some are quite hard they've had quite a few of them. 

I think we got one for each of them but I can only find this one this is a receptor this one can water blast from its mouth.

31. Hot Wheels 9-Car Gift Pack


and then the big thing that mainly Archie wants but my baby kind of cottoned onto as well that he wants to share is Hot Wheels and he's never been like mega into cars before. 

so I found it so out of the blue but he's really into them he's got some of the cars he's been looking after all the cars but he doesn't have any sets so we got him well these are more for them to share and play with together.

32. Hot Wheels track builder


this is the Hot Wheels uh track builder so again I think they can connect to each other and this is like a triple loop set so they can go around and they fly out of a bin or they fly into a bin and do different stunts so that's cool again it does come with I think one car which seems crazy in a set like this may be one or two cars.

33. Hot Wheels stunt garage


and then we got the Hot Wheels to stunt garage I would say stunt garage but that doesn't really sound right so again it comes with a car um and then it does loads of things which I don't really know I think again it can all join together city versus Robo beast. 

I'm sure there are so many like hot wheels things that you can buy but it is quite a nice present because even though they're three and six I think that's something that covers kind of both of those ages. 

34. Hot Wheels cars


I have also picked up a few Hot Wheels cars that I've just found along the way um I do want to get them you can they much better value in bigger sets so I will get them like each probably one more set of Hot Wheels because you know the tracks aren't really that good unless you've got the cars holidays so it's a bit pointless hopefully they all focused.

Conclusion of Christmas gifts for kids

okay that is just about everything looking at it all around me now it really does feel like quite a lot so hopefully, we're done now um but I really hope you found this article helpful and it's given you a few more ideas for Christmas presents.
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